
Changes to my study programme

Sometimes I think about changing something in my career and what would it be like? The truth is that as the branches of the semester passed I realize that there are things that the university has deficient. One of those is that the majority of teachers who are currently practicing as academic academics are not really professors but have a degree usually as a designer and occasionally a magister in their area. It is not to detract from their professionals on the contrary, but I find that to teach you have to have prior knowledge rather than the branch if not the soft skills to deal with each student since we all have a different way of learning. If the professors before exercising a course had a course or had studied something else the pedagogy of their work and the students' understanding of the subject would be much more playful, they could work effectively according to my point of view. That is on the one hand. Another point that I wanted to mention in my blog is th

Meat consumption

Eating meat in these times is a subject that is in contingency in these last times before it was talked about it but it was a taboo subject and that was not discussed or had so much knowledge about it. The most important fact is that many people have stopped eating meat and have been categorized into vegetarians or vegans and among other classifications of people who do not consume animal products. My experience in this regard has been by choice since more than 10 years ago that I have not consumed red meat or sausages (beef, pork, sausages among others) at the beginning my decision started because one of my older sisters was vegan and told me about I did not eat meat for what I chose to remove these foods from my food chain, I do not feel identified by any classification of veganism but not how to support the animal and environmental cause.  I never took care of myself with dietary supplements and this caused me years later a severe anemia and lack of vitamins of all kinds for
Post graduate studies What I would like to study after finishing my career I still don't know if it is related to design since alternative medicine catches my attention too much and I feel that I have many capacities to develop in that area. One of the things that I find most interesting and entertaining is medicine I love TV programs that show cases of people with a problem and that eventually reach a diagnosis and manage to heal, since they give them an opportunity to make a active life. Now more than ever there are cases about people who have stress illness or bad eating and physical activity habits that are very common in times like these that are lived so agitated. For what I would like to train myself, fill myself with knowledge so I can help the rest by telling you about my experience and what I have learned during my life. And if I had to study something related to my career it would be to dedicate myself to marketing since there are many problems I see
My future job I still do not know what I will do in the future since I want to finish my career first, but if I have ideals of how I would like to do it since I dedicate myself as a wedding planner, event planner, I would like my work to be linked environment that I could actively participate. I also want it to be related to a service that helps people since I really like working with people, sharing with them learning from them, filling me with experiences. I feel that my career helps me to perform in this area too much because it is a great tool that is very useful for interaction with people, teamwork and soft skills. I do not think that I would work in a company related to my career since it does not seem interesting to me but maybe when I leave the career I have another perspective on life or my tastes are different, so more than visualizing myself in the future I prefer to live The present pass my branches and set short-term goals.
My birthday Since I was little one of the festivities that I like to celebrate the most is my birthday, I always do different things but it is essential to do it as a family it is a tradition to get together to take eleven, to have lunch or dinner. One of my birthday was in costumes and I dressed in Cleopatra was a beautiful golden suit and with many accessories when my friends arrived they all had different and very original costumes. It was amazing! This year will be different because it will be urban-themed, so buy many streamers, balloons, glasses, paintings and many more ornaments of fluor and glitter colors. This year I will dress with an exaggerated look with many chains and crystals with strong colors. There will be neon lights and very good music, my friends are already seeing their clothes for Friday they will copy the style of their favorite artists such as Paloma mami, Gianluca, princess alba, Bad bunny, Tomasa del Real, Bad Gyal among others will be very funny
"My experince with healthy food" Today in my blog I will talk about my experience with healthy food. I started to like this topic some time ago about 2 years ago, at the beginning it was a physical problem but now I like it because it does me good. It all started when I had to cook for myself and I got bored of eating pasta every day so I started researching about eating healthy, cheap and fast and I found many recipes that apart from being very beneficial for my health were extremely delicious. After trying this initiative for a few months, I realized that the pastries seemed very entertaining and creative, so I began to bake more and more, I cooked things like brownies, cookies, alfajores, cakes, among others. All the recipes he made were healthy, so they contain little sugar and are low in carbohydrates. Today I still cook but less frequently I still bake and even more people like it.
"The best holiday" My best vacations were with my dad when I was very young I was only 9 years old exactly 13 years ago, before there was no opportunity to travel because my dad worked too much like my mother so my vacations were always in Santiago in my house. My dad's idea is that he knew the north, so we went to many places like Copiapó, La Serena, Coquimbo, San Pedro de Atacama, virgin beach among others. It was very amazing because the places were beautiful and it was the first time I went on vacation with my father and that makes it even more special, I also learned to swim in the sea and before I was very scared I have beautiful memories of how happy I was, until today we remember how well we had a good time. My dad came to frame a picture of that moment. Is so amazing.